Workbench Design
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* Copyright (c) 1994 Michael D. Bayne.
* All rights reserved.
* Please see the documentation accompanying the distribution for distribution
* and disclaimer information.
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <graphics/gfxmacros.h>
#include <graphics/videocontrol.h>
#include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
#include <libraries/reqtools.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/asl_protos.h>
#include <clib/reqtools_protos.h>
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>
#include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/graphics_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/asl_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/reqtools_pragmas.h>
#include "Garshnelib_protos.h"
#include "Garshnelib_rev.h"
VOID SASM ScreenModeRequest( AREG(0) struct Window *Wnd,
AREG(1) LONG *Mode, AREG(2) LONG *Depth )
struct AslBase *AslBase;
if( AslBase = ( struct AslBase * )OpenLibrary( AslName, 38L ))
struct ScreenModeRequester *smRequest;
if( smRequest = AllocAslRequestTags( ASL_ScreenModeRequest, TAG_END ))
if( Depth )
if( AslRequestTags( smRequest, ASLSM_Window, Wnd,
ASLSM_SleepWindow, TRUE,
ASLSM_TitleText, "Screen Mode",
ASLSM_InitialDisplayID, *Mode,
ASLSM_InitialDisplayDepth, *Depth,
*Mode = smRequest->sm_DisplayID;
*Depth = smRequest->sm_DisplayDepth;
if( AslRequestTags( smRequest, ASLSM_Window, Wnd,
ASLSM_SleepWindow, TRUE,
ASLSM_TitleText, "Screen Mode",
ASLSM_InitialDisplayID, *Mode, TAG_END ))
*Mode = smRequest->sm_DisplayID;
FreeAslRequest( smRequest );
CloseLibrary(( struct Library * )AslBase );
struct ReqToolsBase *ReqToolsBase;
if( ReqToolsBase = ( struct ReqToolsBase * )
struct rtScreenModeRequester *smRequest;
if( smRequest = rtAllocRequestA( RT_SCREENMODEREQ, 0L ))
if( Depth )
LONG Tags[] = { RT_Window, 0L, RT_LockWindow, TRUE,
LONG ReqTags[] = { RTSC_DisplayID, 0L,
RTSC_DisplayDepth, 0L, TAG_END };
ReqTags[1] = *Mode;
ReqTags[3] = *Depth;
rtChangeReqAttrA( smRequest, ( struct TagItem * )ReqTags );
Tags[1] = ( LONG )Wnd;
if( rtScreenModeRequestA( smRequest, "Screen Mode",
( struct TagItem * )Tags ))
*Mode = smRequest->DisplayID;
*Depth = smRequest->DisplayDepth;
LONG Tags[] = { RT_Window, 0L, RT_LockWindow, TRUE,
LONG ReqTags[] = { RTSC_DisplayID, 0L, TAG_END };
ReqTags[1] = *Mode;
rtChangeReqAttrA( smRequest, ( struct TagItem * )ReqTags );
Tags[1] = ( LONG )Wnd;
if( rtScreenModeRequestA( smRequest, "Screen Mode",
( struct TagItem * )Tags ))
*Mode = smRequest->DisplayID;
rtFreeRequest( smRequest );
CloseLibrary(( struct Library * )ReqToolsBase );
#define NUMCOLORS 45
LONG spectrum[] = {
0x0F00, 0x0E10, 0x0D20, 0x0C30, 0x0B40, 0x0A50, 0x0960, 0x0870, 0x0780,
0x0690, 0x05A0, 0x04B0, 0x03C0, 0x02D0, 0x01E0, 0x00F0, 0x00E1, 0x00D2,
0x00C3, 0x00B4, 0x00A5, 0x0096, 0x0087, 0x0078, 0x0069, 0x005A, 0x004B,
0x003C, 0x002D, 0x001E, 0x000F, 0x010E, 0x020D, 0x030C, 0x040B, 0x050A,
0x0609, 0x0708, 0x0807, 0x0906, 0x0A05, 0x0B04, 0x0C03, 0x0D02, 0x0E01
VOID SASM setCopperList( DREG(0) LONG Hei, DREG(1) LONG Col,
AREG(0) struct ViewPort *VPort,
AREG(1) struct Custom *Custom )
struct Library *GfxBase, *IntuitionBase;
struct UCopList *uCopList;
IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 37L );
GfxBase = OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 37L );
if( IntuitionBase && GfxBase &&
( uCopList = AllocVec( sizeof( struct UCopList ), MEMF_CLEAR )))
struct TagItem uCopTags[] = {{VTAG_USERCLIP_SET,0L},{VTAG_END_CM,0L}};
LONG i, spc;
spc = Hei/NUMCOLORS;
for( i = 0; i < NUMCOLORS; ++i )
CWAIT( uCopList, i * spc, 0 );
CMOVE( uCopList, Custom->color[Col], spectrum[i%NUMCOLORS] );
CEND( uCopList );
VPort->UCopIns = uCopList;
VideoControl( VPort->ColorMap, uCopTags );
if( GfxBase )
CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
if( IntuitionBase )
CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
VOID SASM clearCopperList( AREG(0) struct ViewPort *VPort )
struct Library *GfxBase;
if( GfxBase = OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 37L ))
struct TagItem uCopTags[] = {{VTAG_USERCLIP_CLR,0L},{VTAG_END_CM,0L}};
struct UCopList *uCopList;
VideoControl( VPort->ColorMap, uCopTags );
uCopList = VPort->UCopIns;
VPort->UCopIns = 0L;
FreeVec( uCopList );
LONG SASM getTopScreenMode( VOID )
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
struct Library *GfxBase;
struct Screen *pubScr;
LONG scrMode;
BPTR lock;
IntuitionBase =
( struct IntuitionBase * )OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 37L );
GfxBase = OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 37L );
if( IntuitionBase && GfxBase )
lock = LockIBase( 0 );
pubScr = IntuitionBase->FirstScreen;
scrMode = GetVPModeID(&( pubScr->ViewPort));
UnlockIBase( lock );
if( GfxBase )
CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
if( IntuitionBase )
CloseLibrary(( struct Library * )IntuitionBase );
return scrMode;
LONG SASM getTopScreenDepth( VOID )
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
LONG Dep = 0;
if( IntuitionBase =
( struct IntuitionBase * )OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 37L ))
struct Screen *PubScr;
struct DrawInfo *dri;
BPTR Lock;
Lock = LockIBase( 0 );
PubScr = IntuitionBase->FirstScreen;
if( dri = GetScreenDrawInfo( PubScr ))
Dep = dri->dri_Depth;
FreeScreenDrawInfo( PubScr, dri );
UnlockIBase( Lock );
CloseLibrary(( struct Library * )IntuitionBase );
return Dep;
struct Screen *SASM cloneTopScreen( DREG(0) LONG MoreColors,
DREG(1) LONG GetPublic )
LONG sMod, sDep, i, Wid, Hei, offx, offy;
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
struct Screen *Scr, *nScr = 0L;
struct Rectangle DispRect;
struct Library *GfxBase;
struct DrawInfo *dri;
UWORD *cols;
BPTR lock;
IntuitionBase =
( struct IntuitionBase * )OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 37L );
GfxBase = OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 37L );
if( IntuitionBase && GfxBase )
/* Lock IntuitionBase so nothing goes away */
lock = LockIBase( 0 );
/* Grab the first screen and get its attributes */
if( GetPublic )
Scr = LockPubScreen( 0L );
Scr = IntuitionBase->FirstScreen;
sMod = GetVPModeID(&( Scr->ViewPort )); /* Screen Mode ID */
offx = Scr->LeftEdge;
offy = Scr->TopEdge;
Wid = Scr->Width;
Hei = Scr->Height;
if( dri = GetScreenDrawInfo( Scr ))
sDep = MoreColors ? dri->dri_Depth + 1 : dri->dri_Depth;
if( cols = AllocVec( sizeof( WORD ) * ( 1L << sDep ), MEMF_CLEAR ))
for( i = 0; i < ( 1L << dri->dri_Depth ); ++i )
cols[i] = GetRGB4( Scr->ViewPort.ColorMap, i );
if( GetPublic )
UnlockPubScreen( 0L, Scr );
UnlockIBase( lock );
QueryOverscan( sMod, &DispRect, OSCAN_TEXT );
Wid = min( Wid, DispRect.MaxX - DispRect.MinX + 1 );
Hei = min( Hei, DispRect.MaxY - DispRect.MinY + 1 );
if( sMod != INVALID_ID )
nScr = OpenScreenTags( NULL, SA_DisplayID, sMod, SA_Depth, sDep,
SA_Width, Wid, SA_Height, Hei,
SA_Behind, TRUE, SA_Quiet, TRUE, TAG_DONE );
if( nScr )
BltBitMap( Scr->RastPort.BitMap, offx < 0 ? -offx : 0,
offy < 0 ? -offy : 0, nScr->RastPort.BitMap, 0, 0,
Wid, Hei, 0x00C0, 0x00FF, NULL );
LoadRGB4( &(nScr->ViewPort), cols, 1L << sDep );
if( offx > 0 )
MoveScreen( nScr, offx, 0 );
ScreenToFront( nScr );
if( cols )
FreeVec( cols );
if( dri )
FreeScreenDrawInfo( Scr, dri );
if( GfxBase )
CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
if( IntuitionBase )
CloseLibrary(( struct Library * )IntuitionBase );
return nScr;
ULONG *SASM GetColorTable( AREG(0) struct Screen *Screen )
return 0L;
LONG SASM AvgBitsPerGun( DREG(0) LONG ModeID )
return 4L;
VOID SASM FadeAndLoadTable( AREG(0) struct Screen *Screen, DREG(0) LONG BPG,
AREG(1) ULONG *ColorTable, DREG(1) LONG SavePlanes )
struct Library *GfxBase;
if( GfxBase = OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 37L ))
LONG NumCols = ( 1L << Screen->RastPort.BitMap->Depth - SavePlanes );
LONG i, col;
for( i = 0; i < NumCols; ++i )
col = GetRGB4( Screen->ViewPort.ColorMap, i );
SetRGB4(&( Screen->ViewPort ), i,
(( col & 0x0F00 ) >> 8 ) > 0 ?
(( col & 0x0F00 ) >> 8 ) - 1 : 0,
(( col & 0x00F0 ) >> 4 ) > 0 ?
(( col & 0x00F0 ) >> 4 ) - 1 : 0,
( col & 0x000F ) > 0 ? ( col & 0x000F ) - 1 : 0 );
if( GfxBase )
CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
struct Window *SASM BlankMousePointer( AREG(0) struct Screen *Scr )
struct Library *IntuitionBase, *GfxBase;
struct Window *Wnd;
ULONG oldmodes;
IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 37L );
GfxBase = OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 37L );
if( IntuitionBase && GfxBase )
oldmodes = SetPubScreenModes( 0 );
if( Wnd = OpenWindowTags( 0L, WA_Activate, TRUE, WA_Left, 0, WA_Top, 0,
WA_Width, 1, WA_Height, 1, WA_Borderless,
TRUE, WA_CustomScreen, Scr, TAG_END ))
if( Wnd->UserData = AllocVec( 3 * 2 * sizeof( UWORD ),
/* Set a pointer sprite of size 16*1 (alloc and clear data for
sprite def which is 2 control words, 2 words 4-color data
for each line and 2 empty words at the end (as suggested in
Hardware Reference Manual)). */
SetPointer( Wnd, ( UWORD * )Wnd->UserData, 1, 16, 0, 0 );
SetPubScreenModes( oldmodes );
if( GfxBase )
CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
if( IntuitionBase )
CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
return Wnd;
VOID SASM UnblankMousePointer( AREG(0) struct Window *Wnd )
struct Library *IntuitionBase;
if( IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 37L ))
if( Wnd )
if( Wnd->UserData )
ClearPointer( Wnd );
FreeVec( Wnd->UserData );
CloseWindow( Wnd );
CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
Triplet *AllocTable( LONG Colors, LONG Dep, LONG Offset )
return 0L;
UWORD Table1[] = { 0, 0x0FFF };
UWORD Table2[] = { 0, 0x0E00, 0x00E0, 0x000E, 0x0E00, 0x00E0, 0x000E };
WORD Table3[] = {
0x0E00, 0x0770, 0x00E0, 0x0077, 0x000E, 0x0707, 0x0707, 0x0E00, 0x0770,
0x00E0, 0x0077, 0x000E, 0x0707, 0x0707 };
UWORD Table4[] = {
0x0E03, 0x0B06, 0x0909, 0x060B, 0x030E, 0x003E, 0x006B, 0x0099, 0x00B6,
0x00E3, 0x03E0, 0x06B0, 0x0990, 0x0B60, 0x0E30, 0x0E03, 0x0B06, 0x0909,
0x060B, 0x030E, 0x003E, 0x006B, 0x0099, 0x00B6, 0x00E3, 0x03E0, 0x06B0,
0x0990, 0x0B60, 0x0E30 };
UWORD Table5[] = {
0x0F20, 0x0E30, 0x0C50, 0x0B60, 0x0980, 0x0890, 0x06B0, 0x05C0, 0x03E0,
0x02F0, 0x00F2, 0x00E3, 0x00C5, 0x00B6, 0x0098, 0x006B, 0x005C, 0x003E,
0x002F, 0x020F, 0x030E, 0x050C, 0x060B, 0x0809, 0x0908, 0x0B06, 0x0C05,
0x0E03, 0x0F02, 0x0F00, 0x0F00, 0x0F20, 0x0E30, 0x0C50, 0x0B60, 0x0980,
0x0890, 0x06B0, 0x05C0, 0x03E0, 0x02F0, 0x00F2, 0x00E3, 0x00C5, 0x00B6,
0x0098, 0x006B, 0x005C, 0x003E, 0x002F, 0x020F, 0x030E, 0x050C, 0x060B,
0x0809, 0x0908, 0x0B06, 0x0C05, 0x0E03, 0x0F02, 0x0F00, 0x0F00 };
UWORD Table6[] = {
0x0F20, 0x0E30, 0x0C50, 0x0B60, 0x0980, 0x0890, 0x06B0, 0x05C0, 0x03E0,
0x02F0, 0x00F2, 0x00E3, 0x00C5, 0x00B6, 0x0098, 0x006B, 0x005C, 0x003E,
0x002F, 0x020F, 0x030E, 0x050C, 0x060B, 0x0809, 0x0908, 0x0B06, 0x0C05,
0x0E03, 0x0F02, 0x0F00, 0x0F00, 0x0F00, 0x0F20, 0x0E30, 0x0C50, 0x0B60,
0x0980, 0x0890, 0x06B0, 0x05C0, 0x03E0, 0x02F0, 0x00F2, 0x00E3, 0x00C5,
0x00B6, 0x0098, 0x006B, 0x005C, 0x003E, 0x002F, 0x020F, 0x030E, 0x050C,
0x060B, 0x0809, 0x0908, 0x0B06, 0x0C05, 0x0E03, 0x0F02, 0x0F00, 0x0F20,
0x0E30, 0x0C50, 0x0B60, 0x0980, 0x0890, 0x06B0, 0x05C0, 0x03E0, 0x02F0,
0x00F2, 0x00E3, 0x00C5, 0x00B6, 0x0098, 0x006B, 0x005C, 0x003E, 0x002F,
0x020F, 0x030E, 0x050C, 0x060B, 0x0809, 0x0908, 0x0B06, 0x0C05, 0x0E03,
0x0F02, 0x0F00, 0x0F00, 0x0F00, 0x0F20, 0x0E30, 0x0C50, 0x0B60, 0x0980,
0x0890, 0x06B0, 0x05C0, 0x03E0, 0x02F0, 0x00F2, 0x00E3, 0x00C5, 0x00B6,
0x0098, 0x006B, 0x005C, 0x003E, 0x002F, 0x020F, 0x030E, 0x050C, 0x060B,
0x0809, 0x0908, 0x0B06, 0x0C05, 0x0E03, 0x0F02, 0x0F00 };
UWORD *TblPtr[] = { Table1, Table2, Table3, Table4, Table5, Table6 };
Triplet *SASM RainbowPalette( AREG(0) struct Screen *Screen,
AREG(1) Triplet *Table, DREG(0) LONG Offset,
struct Library *GfxBase;
static LONG i = 0L;
if( Screen )
if( GfxBase = OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 37L ))
LONG Colors[] = { 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 };
LONG Depth = Screen->BitMap.Depth;
UWORD *Cols, Tmp;
Cols = &( TblPtr[Depth-1][i] );
Tmp = Cols[0];
Cols[0] = 0;
LoadRGB4(&( Screen->ViewPort ), Cols, Colors[Depth-1] );
Cols[0] = Tmp;
i = ++i % ( Colors[Depth-1] );
if( GfxBase )
CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
return 0L;